this is what most companies with mod-friendly games wind up doing.

and, if we're being real here, the absolute cheapest option for EA here is to have a blanket statement saying they have no liability for user-created content and then keeping their laissez-faire approach to modding. personally, i would deplatform every pedo i could, but i am not a video game company with video game company money to spend and video game company shareholders to please. Whether or not game companies have a moral liability to step in and shut down a mod in this situation is a totally different debate. (and honestly, not a lawyer, but i would guess that they only did this to deflect lawsuits or they had some legal liability to prevent reeves' likeness from being misused.) compare: cd projekt red recently going after a mod that unlocked sex with johnny silverhand without taking an antagonistic stance against all modding. It doesn't have to be an on/off switch either.