While others cover a wider range such as software etc. Some torrent offers only a single niche such as movies.

Here are the few factors that helped us in the ranking, We would like to make sure that the ranking we produce must be authentic and help our readers to make informed decisions about the website they are going to use for torrent downloads. The main goal is to restore the website with torrents and provide users with the same familiar interface.The ranking is a very tricky part of this whole review thing. "We want those people to feel like being at home while visiting isohunt.to. People got used to it and they don't want to simply let it go," Isohunt.to's owners told TorrentFreak. "IsoHunt can definitely be called a file-sharing icon. But, it appears Isohunt.to's owners had already nabbed most of what they needed. In fact, when Fung caught wind that a group was copying his site before the closure deadline, he shuttered Isohunt down several days early. The new owners are adamant that Fung has nothing to do with their site. Apparently, before the closure, Isohunt.to's owners were able to copy and resurrect their new site, according to TorrentFreak.

Under the terms of the settlement, Fung had seven days to shut down the site, as well as close three other sites that redirect to Isohunt - Podtropolis, TorrentBox, and. Earlier this month, the site was slated to shutter indefinitely after years of court battles over copyright infringement with the MPAA. Isohunt was one of the most popular BitTorrent sites online Fung claimed it had 44.2 million peers and 13.7 million active torrents. We proudly copied it and are happy to share." "We have nothing in common with the isoHunt Inc. "IsoHunt is back online! It's the same old isoHunt from the outside but very different from the inside," Isohunt.to wrote in a blog post on Wednesday. Isohunt.to is almost a perfect replica of it has the same interface, categories, and torrent pages. No, Isohunt founder Gary Fung didn't renege on his settlement - rather, fans of the site decided to make an exact clone of the original Isohunt, according to TorrentFreak. But, a quick glance at the site Isohunt.to and it seems the search engine appears to be alive. It's been two weeks since BitTorrent search engine Isohunt agreed to exit the Internet after reaching a $110 million settlement deal over copyright infringement with the Motion Picture Association of America. Isohunt.to looks like an exact replica of the original Isohunt.